Pick up & Drop Off – A breakthrough in Last Mile Delivery

 E-commerce is booming along with the increasing demands of consumers, posing numerous challenges for transport and delivery services to efficiently and conveniently deliver products to customers. In this context, understanding and maximizing the last-mile delivery (LMD) process in Vietnam becomes crucial for businesses.  Last-mile delivery plays a crucial role by providing a unique opportunity to … Read more

EdTech – A Shining Star in the Startup Market

In recent times, the field of educational technology (EdTech) has emerged as a bright star, with a market value surpassing the $300 billion. This has triggered a powerful wave of educational transformation on a global scale. Notably, the United States, China, and India play pivotal roles in this entrepreneurial ecosystem, attracting substantial investment deals.  In … Read more

Startups Eye Prospects in the Digital Health Landscape

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The healthcare landscape is transforming, steering away from conventional paradigms towards a more robust amalgamation of scientific advancements, data utilization, and technological integration within the realm of “digital health.” This sector holds immense promise and potential for startups. Digital Health: Pioneering in Healthcare Forecasts from Statista show that the digital health market’s revenue is poised … Read more

Carbon Credits: The Opportunities on the Pathway to Net Zero

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Business See an Opportunity in the Carbon Credit  As the world grapples with the devastating effects of climate change, the carbon credit market is a potential game-changer and offers financial rewards. By embracing this potential market, businesses can help combat climate change and drive sustainable growth and innovation.   The Advanced Solutions for Reducing Carbon Emissions  … Read more

Unraveling the Global Sleep Technology Startup Craze in 2023

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According to Wakefield Research, about 37% of young people in Vietnam suffer from insomnia and 73% experience stress due to sleep disorders. The figures also show that up to 79% of participants do not have time to rest daily, and each office worker spends an average of 10 days a year catching up on sleep. … Read more

AI-powered Newsrooms, the Future of Journalism and Communication   

ITI Fund - AI và Truyền thông

Media and press organizations face challenges accelerating content production’s speed and quality. Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a breakthrough solution that brings organisations step by step closer to the goal of technologising the content production process?  Contradictions about AI: Great Solution or Potential Threat?  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic for businesses. Here are some … Read more

Smart Cities – Golden Opportunity for Innovation and Investment 

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As cities continue to evolve, the concept of a “smart city” has emerged to address social issues and improve quality of life. With technological advancements, smart cities offer promising opportunities for startups to innovate and impact positively.  Smart Cities – The Advantages And Potential For Sustainable Development   Allied Market Research shows that the global … Read more

Solving the Plastic Waste Problem: Exploring Development Opportunities for Startups

ITI Fund - Độc đáo các startup giải quyết vấn đề rác thải nhựa thúc đẩy “nền kinh tế tuần hoàn”

Plastic Waste, A Global Dilemma That Demands Urgent Action Plastic is widely used worldwide because of its convenience and low cost. It brings unpredictable dangers, having a significant impact on the socioeconomic development of each country. According to UN Environment Programme, each year, the amount of plastic waste on a global scale is enough to … Read more

Green Bitcoin – The Significance and Some Notable Projects

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Bitcoin’s Massive Energy Consumption In recent years, the significant rise of Bitcoin (cryptocurrency) has hurt climate change because of the enormous energy consumption when mining and trading them. Specifically, according to the electricity consumption index measured by the University of Cambridge, Bitcoin mining globally consumes 128.84 TWh per year, more than the annual electricity consumption … Read more

Disaster Technology (D-Tech): The Crucial Role of Technology in Effective Disaster Management

ITI Fund - Công nghệ thảm họa (D-Tech) và vai trò của công nghệ trong Quản lý thảm họa

Disasters, alarm alerts for world humanity According to a report by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), in the period 2000-2019, the world recorded 7,348 major natural disasters, nearly doubling compared with the previous 20 years. The world has suffered from heat waves, floods, and earthquakes with a magnitude and impact rarely … Read more